C. Wulffen (b. 1954) received his training in Stuttgart, Germany, culminating in an MFA from the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste (State Academy of Fine Arts). He has been an Emeritus professor (Cleveland Institute of Art) since Janurary 2023. He previously taught at the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart and Freie Hochschule (Independent Art Academy), Metzingen, among other institutions, in Germany. He has lectured in both Germany and the United States. His work has been supported by artistic residencies from the Kunststiftung (Art Foundation) Baden-Württemberg and Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris.

The German-American artist currently lives and works in Washington DC. He is represented by Michael Sturm Gallery (Stuttgart, Germany) and Reinhold Maas Gallery (Reutlingen, Germany) and collaborates with Niklas van Bartha London UK. He has a long distinguished repertoire of group shows and solo exhibitions investigating both visual and structural systems of language. The manifestation of these investigations have taken numerous forms: from installations of abstract, geometric images to the presentation of objects such as billboards, display panels, photo displays, poetry on paper, and floor installations to develop numerous catalogues. His work has been extensively collected by the Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst (Reutlingen, Germany) since 1990. In 2017, parts of the collection of the Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst (Foundation for Concrete Art), were donated to the Municipal Museum of Art Reutlingen, Kunst Museum Konkret, including works from C. Wulffen.

Selected Solo/Two person Exhibitions(*indicates publication)


2022 All in All, SHED Art Gallery, New Orleans, Louisiana

2021 Du und Ich, Gallery MAAS, Reutlingen, Germany

2021 Wulffen, Gallery Sturm / Schober, Vienna, Austria

2018 More Wulffen, Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany *Arbiten Aus System, Konkrete Kunst 1954-2011, Kunstmuseum Reutlingen 

Konkret, Reutlingen, Germany 

2016 sheet 1300/1000/16: a work from the Foundation’s Collection, Stiftung für  Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany 

Malerei, Galerie Reinhold Maas, Reutlingen, Germany 

2013 Christian Wulffen, Galerie Michael Sturm, Stuttgart, Germany 2012 Christian Wulffen, William Busta Gallery, Cleveland, OH 

2011 *Bridges and Other Constructions, Dallas Contemporary, Dallas, TX 2009 *It Is, It is Not [A Pulse Exhibition], moCa Cleveland, Cleveland, OH 

2007 Christian Wulffen, Galerie Michael Sturm, Stuttgart, Germany  *How to Improve your English, McDonough Museum, Youngstown State  University,

Youngstown, OH 

2006 Christian Wulffen, Niklas von Bartha Gallery, London, England 

2005 Christian Wulffen: 2002 I (6.11.02) 16 Lines, Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst,  Reutlingen, Germany 

2003 Neue Arbeiten (New Works), Galerie Michael Sturm, Stuttgart, Germany 2002 Wand (Wall), Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany 

2001 Neue Arbeiten (New Works), Galerie Michael Sturm, Stuttgart, Germany En gros & en detail Werke von A bis Z, Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst,

Reutlingen,  Germany

2000 Christian Wulffen / Paul Uwe Dreyer, Hohenloher Kunstverein eV, Langenburg Honfratshaus, Langenburg, Germany  

1999 retour de (back form), Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany 

1998 Stand Basel, Kunsthaus Kunstverein Baselland/Muttenz, Switzerland Stand Stuttgart, Galerie Michael Sturm, Stuttgart, Germany 

Stand Frankfurt, Galerie Durhammer, Frankfurt, Germany 

1997 *Stand, Singen Museum of Art, Singen, Germany  

1996 Arbeiten (Works), Köstring-Maier Gallery, Munich, Germany Weg zur Wand (Path to the Wall), März Galerie, Mannheim, Germany  

1995 Sätze (Sentence), ACP Gallery, Zürich, Switzerland 

1994 Block Wand Boden (Block Wall Floor), Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen,  Germany 

1993 Stand (Stand), Demmet Gallery, Osnabrück, Germany 

Carrier 2, Galerie Forum Kunst, Weilheim, Germany 

Order, ACP Viviane Ehrli Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland  

1992 Ein Gang, Galerie Freie Kunstschule Nürtingen, Nürtigen, Germany 

1991 Arbeiten (Works), ACP Gallery, Zürich, Switzerland 

Distance, Municipal Museum, Sindelfingen, Maichingen, Germany 

1990 Mass und Zuhl (Measurement and Number), Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst,  Reutlingen, Germany 

1989 Pictures, Kunstraum Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany


Selected Group Exhibitions

2020 Yearly presentation of Cleveland Institute of Art Faculty Exhibition, Cleveland  Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH (2003 – present) 

Gläserne Härten, Kunstmuseum Reutlingen Konkret, Reutlingen, Germany 2019 art KARLSRUHE 2019, Galerie Reinhold Maas, Reutlingen, Germany 

2018 *The Great Lakes Research, FRONT International: Cleveland Triennial for  Contemporary Art: An American City, Reinberger Gallery, Cleveland

Institute of  Art, Cleveland, OH  

2011 and so on 7, 8, 9, Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany

2010 Building Peers, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH 

2009 Niklas Von Bartha, Hartmut Boehm, C. Wulffen and others, Niklas von Bartha  Gallery, London, England 

2007 Double-Take, Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany 

2006 additive parallel synchronous, Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany Galerie Michael Sturm, Art Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the


2005 Villa Merkel, Esslingen Museum of Art, Esslingen, Germany 

1999 Risiko Curating (Risk Curating), a project of the Kunstverein Neuhasen, Fildern,  Germany 

Artists of the gallery, Galerie Michael Sturm, Stuttgart, Germany 

*Vordemberge-Gildewart, City Museum Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany Drawing, Galerie Michael Sturm, Stuttgart, Germany 

1995 Art 26, Art Basel, ACP Viviane Ehrli Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland The picture – a side note, Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 

Art Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, ACP Viviane Ehrli Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland 1994 Galerie unter dem Turm, Stuttgart, Germany 

1992 12th traveling exhibition scholarship holders 1991/92 of the Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg in Freiburg, 

Wendlingen, Gaggenau, Mochental Castle, Engen, 

Böblingen, Singen, Ostfildern, Aalen 

1989 Marc Stefan Bremer / Christian Wulffen, HAGA 22, Tübingen, Germany  1987 Raum Mitte Fenster, Galerie Freie Kunstschule Nürtingen, Nürtingen,


1985 No grip, no hold, no spring, State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Mörikestrasse  69, Stuttgart, Germany 


2016 Teaching is Communication, Lunch on Fridays lecture series, Cleveland Institute  of Art, Cleveland, OH 

2015 Skill, De-skill, Re-skill, Lunch on Fridays lecture series, Cleveland Institute of Art,  Cleveland, OH

2013 Where Do We Stand, Lunch on Fridays lecture series, Cleveland Institute of Art,  Cleveland, OH 

2011 What is Critique, University of Louisiana at Lafayette 

Participant in Final Critiques, Maryland Institute College of Art 

2009 What is Critique I & II, Lunch on Fridays lecture series, Cleveland Institute of Art,  Cleveland, OH 

2007 Cleveland Institute of Art Foundation Lecture Series 

2006 Lecture in Architecture Department, Cooper Union, New York, NY 2002 LAZI Akademie (Academy of Film and Photography), Esslingen, Germany

Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH 

1996 Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Karlsruhe, Germany 

Fellowships / Awards

2013 Hoffberger Program, Hoffberger Critic-In-Residence, Maryland Institute of Art,  Baltimore, Maryland  

2012 Seminar Scholarship, Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities, Case Western Reserve  University, Cleveland, OH 

2010 Faculty Development Grant, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH 

2006 Seminar Scholarship, Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities, Case Western Reserve  University, Cleveland, OH 

1997 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, France 

1990 Kunststiftung (Art Foundation) Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Teaching Experience

2023 - Present Emeritus Professor, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH

2012 - 2022 Professor, Foundation and Sculpture, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland,  OH 

2016 - Visiting Professor, College of Fine Arts, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 

2003 - 2012 Associate Professor, Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH

2000 - 2003 Community College, Reutlingen, Germany

1998 - 2000 Artistic Associate of the Dean, Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste,  Stuttgart, Germany 

1990 - 1998 Instructor, Freie Hochschule (Independent Art Academy), Metzingen,  Germany 


2018 An American City: Volume I, FRONT International: Cleveland Triennial for  Contemporary Art, edited by Michelle Grabner, Cleveland:

FRONT/Cleveland  Museum of Art, 2018 

*Arbiten Aus System, Konkrete Kunst 1954-2011, edited by Holger Kube Ventura,  Reutlingen: Kunstmuseum Reutlingen Konkret 

2010 *Take a Form, Buildings and Other Constructions, Dallas Contemporary, Dallas:  Dallas Contemporary, 2010 

2009 *It is, It is not, Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, Cleveland: Museum of  Contemporary Art, 2009 

2007 *How to Improve Your English, McDonough Museum of Art, Youngstown:  Youngstown State University, 2007 

2005 Klasse Paul Uwe Dreyer, Entourage de ?, Villa Merkel, (Municipal Art Museum)  Esslingen, 2005 

2002 Christian Wulffen, Zum Beispiel oder Spielen, Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg, 2002 

2000 *Zum 100. Geburtstag, Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart, (Municipal Museum of  Osnabrueck, 2000 

1999 Ermen, Reinhard, “Christian Wulffen-retour.de,” Kunstforum International,  October-December 1999 

1998 Stand, Kunsthaus Baselland, Issue 2, 1998 

Ausstenllung ist Katalog – Katalog ist Ausstellung, Städtisches Kunstsmuseum (Municipal Art Museum), Spendhaus Reutlingen, 1998